In this example we translate EDI X12 837 file into CSV but same steps apply to all EDI X12 files
EDI fields are organized into groups
This video showcases some popular field groups
Group name is displayed only on the first field in the group
#2. Change translation to repeat header field values
We want to change translation to repeat selected header fields on detail rows
Setup header fields to 'Use Previous' value if there is no new value for that header field
Double click on the header field to change 'Use Previous' value
Adjust and run translation few times to get desired result
Save translation using 'Save Fields' so next time we could 'Load Fields' and run same setup
Note that EDI dates are in YYYYMMDD format. Example text '20180527' is May 27, 2018
#3. Arrange CSV output rows using Set Key
We translate EDI and then adjust how output fields get arranged between rows
Key is set on Insured Last Name to get record produced per each insured in the file. Basically: make new row per Insured
Depending on what field has been set to 'Key' rows will get arranged 'per that field'
In order to get right number of output rows you may need to experiment with this and set Key on different fields until you get desired output
If no Key is set then Translator simply fills up rows as data comes in
If Key is set on particular field all other fields fill the same cells until new value comes for the Key field and at that point new row is created
Save translation using 'Save Fields' so next time you could 'Load Fields' and run same setup
Select other field and click 'Set Key' to make it a Key field. Click 'Set Key' again to unset Key
#4. Combined fields
We Set Key on Insured Last Name as a result each row contains single insured information
Many claims contain service lines. Since each line has number of details they all get combined into that same row
Translator combines repeated details into cells using '|' (pipe) delimiter
That way monetary amounts and claim service lines get placed into single row per Insured
If this is unacceptable then other field should be set to Key
Set Key on other field. Depending on your requirements it might be field in lower detail loop
For EDI 837 it is usually "CLM - Health Claim" or "LX - Transaction Set Line Number"
While working with EDI you may encounter number of issues when rows do not get arranged the way you want no matter what
If you have multiple trading partners issue might be format difference between them. Use 'Save Fields' and have different fields setup per each trading partner
For advanced translations please look at XTranslator product
#5. Secondary Insurance
We 'Set Key' on Insured Last Name but when we examine output some rows do not have any details. Detail fields are blank
Few claims have this peculiar data layout in our output
Reason is simple: some claims have Secondary Insurance
Because of that single claim fields are spread over two lines in our current output
If this is unacceptable then other field should be set to Key
#6. Additional translation settings
We visit translation Settings screen and change output file name
Use 'Output format' setting to switch output from CSV to Excel output files
#7. Using context menu
Right click on the list of fields to access context menu
#8. Run translation via command line
This works on both Windows and Linux
First we check that input file exists
Then enter --help to get full list of available parameters
Only input and license key parameters required for basic execution
Use '-fld' parameter to pass file saved inside GUI with 'Saved Fields'
Other parameters turn on additional features. Please consult documentation
License key is available in the GUI under Help-License menu
Bonus. Pro tips
First use 'Set Key' to get rows arranged based on specific field
Experiment with it. Try few different fields as Key and see which output matches your requirements better
Note that if you get fewer rows then more fields get they values combined with '|' delimiter
Once you get 'Set Key' the way you want, set 'Use Previous' on header fields to repeat per detail lines
As you make changes to the list of fields save backup copies using 'Save Fields'. If something goes wrong you can go back to last known working set of fields
Make changes in small increments: make a change, run translation to see that it still works, check output file, repeat...