
8 videos

#1. Field groups

  • In this example we translate EDI X12 837 file into CSV but same steps apply to all EDI X12 files
  • EDI fields are organized into groups
  • This video showcases some popular field groups
  • Group name is displayed only on the first field in the group

#2. Change translation to repeat header field values

  • We want to change translation to repeat selected header fields on detail rows
  • Setup header fields to 'Use Previous' value if there is no new value for that header field
  • Double click on the header field to change 'Use Previous' value
  • Adjust and run translation few times to get desired result
  • Save translation using 'Save Fields' so next time we could 'Load Fields' and run same setup
  • Note that EDI dates are in YYYYMMDD format. Example text '20180527' is May 27, 2018

#3. Arrange CSV output rows using Set Key

  • We translate EDI and then adjust how output fields get arranged between rows
  • Key is set on Insured Last Name to get record produced per each insured in the file. Basically: make new row per Insured
  • Depending on what field has been set to 'Key' rows will get arranged 'per that field'
  • In order to get right number of output rows you may need to experiment with this and set Key on different fields until you get desired output
  • If no Key is set then Translator simply fills up rows as data comes in
  • If Key is set on particular field all other fields fill the same cells until new value comes for the Key field and at that point new row is created
  • Save translation using 'Save Fields' so next time you could 'Load Fields' and run same setup
  • Select other field and click 'Set Key' to make it a Key field. Click 'Set Key' again to unset Key

#4. Combined fields

  • We Set Key on Insured Last Name as a result each row contains single insured information
  • Many claims contain service lines. Since each line has number of details they all get combined into that same row
  • Translator combines repeated details into cells using '|' (pipe) delimiter
  • That way monetary amounts and claim service lines get placed into single row per Insured
  • If this is unacceptable then other field should be set to Key
  • Set Key on other field. Depending on your requirements it might be field in lower detail loop
  • For EDI 837 it is usually "CLM - Health Claim" or "LX - Transaction Set Line Number"
  • While working with EDI you may encounter number of issues when rows do not get arranged the way you want no matter what
  • If you have multiple trading partners issue might be format difference between them. Use 'Save Fields' and have different fields setup per each trading partner
  • For advanced translations please look at XTranslator product

#5. Secondary Insurance

  • We 'Set Key' on Insured Last Name but when we examine output some rows do not have any details. Detail fields are blank
  • Few claims have this peculiar data layout in our output
  • Reason is simple: some claims have Secondary Insurance
  • Because of that single claim fields are spread over two lines in our current output
  • If this is unacceptable then other field should be set to Key

#6. Additional translation settings

  • We visit translation Settings screen and change output file name
  • Use 'Output format' setting to switch output from CSV to Excel output files

#7. Using context menu

  • Right click on the list of fields to access context menu

#8. Run translation via command line

  • This works on both Windows and Linux
  • First we check that input file exists
  • Then enter --help to get full list of available parameters
  • Only input and license key parameters required for basic execution
  • Use '-fld' parameter to pass file saved inside GUI with 'Saved Fields'
  • Other parameters turn on additional features. Please consult documentation
  • License key is available in the GUI under Help-License menu

Bonus. Pro tips

  • First use 'Set Key' to get rows arranged based on specific field
  • Experiment with it. Try few different fields as Key and see which output matches your requirements better
  • Note that if you get fewer rows then more fields get they values combined with '|' delimiter
  • Once you get 'Set Key' the way you want, set 'Use Previous' on header fields to repeat per detail lines
  • As you make changes to the list of fields save backup copies using 'Save Fields'. If something goes wrong you can go back to last known working set of fields
  • Make changes in small increments: make a change, run translation to see that it still works, check output file, repeat...